Tag Archives: fitness

Let’s go out and play!

Let’s go out and play!

Taking up exercise in your 60s will still help stave off major ill health and dementia, research suggests. The study in the British Journal of Sports Medicine followed 3,500 healthy people at or aroun ...
How to have gorgeous skin at any age

How to have gorgeous skin at any age

Beautiful skin begins from within; follow these top tips for healthier and more radiant looking skin. Diet – you really are what you eat, so make sure your diet is packed with natural antioxidants suc ...
U3A takes on extreme sports challenge

U3A takes on extreme sports challenge

What makes 40 well-balanced, intelligent third agers decide to face the challenge of abseiling down Portsmouth’s 100 metre high Spinnaker Tower as they did at 8 am on a sunny morning in mid May? The c ...
Senior Playgrounds

Senior Playgrounds

Like most playgrounds, it is filled with smiling faces and laughter. But these faces have seen more of life than you might expect, and the laughter is a little more mature in tone. Britain’s fir ...