Tricia’s horoscope predictions – Your stars for November 2017

Tricia’s horoscope predictions – Your stars for November 2017

An insight to your month ahead from Starsite and Tricia’s horoscope predictions! See what is in store for you and your stars…


Many changes for rams in November. You will be herded into new fields, made to share with others in compromising ways, as well as experience the trials and triumphs of sacrificing your personal goals to please the one you love…

Baaaa… I hear you say, but hold on, how many new beginnings does life offer? Perhaps it’s time to look for the best, see the ways good fortune shines down and thank your lucky stars for the grass on the side of the fence you are grazing, rather than break a leg attempting yet another empty break for freedom that leaves you confronting more road hazards than you can handle.


Most young bulls are being made to part with family and friends this month, with new associates to bond with to substitute for your losses.

Older bulls get a sheltered warm barn if singled out for good fortune, but major challenges and changes affect the whole herd of Tarueans for the month ahead. Be ready for change, see it as a step in the direction of transformation to make the most of some tough times ahead that are but a rough path to better pastures.

The most positive influence is Jupiter sharing some trends for mind blowing encounters with new people who actually do care, leaving you feeling wanted and nourished.


You have dealt with some rather stressful circumstances over the last few weeks but November brings a change in tempo as well as positive meetings with people who have invigorating ideas to plagiarise.

Certainly life has not been profitable on the relationship front where it has been demanded you put up, shut up or give up on some long cherished friends who were passed their sell by date three years ago; but you persevered.

Recognise how important it is to move on. You can catch up with those who prove their worth later, but for now use spare time creatively and dynamically and don’t allow out of date bonds to hold you back from making essential changes.


Oh my goodness! You sway about on four claws trying to meet the needs of all other creatures and even as you avoid contact with the most polluting of neighbours, you end up being drawn into inner and outer conflicts that leave you drained and stranded on cliffs until the next tide comes in.

Happily after 7th support arrives to rescue you and if you keep that claw clamped upon that swoon inducing Clooney or Amalfi coast character then who knows what the moon might wave into your romantic shell?

After 18th Nov you will be viewing a whole new seascape soothed by thoughts of shivery shores, sparkling spa indulgences and shell shining shivers shelving shocks on the rocks you leave behind.

Cosmic. Enjoy the ocean of indulgence ahead.


Domestic life offers many challenges you fail to meet. Be honest Leo; how true is that? You prefer the board to the living , the negotiating to the dining room and love the ever seductive risk to boring security measures.

Spend time pretending you are domestic god/dess the first half of the month, but by 23rd you’ll be roaring away seeking new jungles to prowl where challenging conquests test your mettle and inspire new and exciting games to play.

Prowling around and pawing your prey always gets your adrenalin flowing, but be very careful you don’t get caught by a few traps set to ensnare big cats like you.


From now on think of exploring new pathways, new ideas, new ways of nourishing yourself and creating a whole different self image you can be happy with, and forget what everyone else wants.

Of course it’s important to stay up to date with domestic routine but if it drains energy then why not introduce a new rule to balance rest with activity to maximise your energy expenditure?

Use spare time as a method of transforming your relationship with the universe in ways that cleanse the soul, eliminate pollution and make you feel whole again.


Hard times if you don’t take care of your health or recognise which battles to prioritise and which dogs to leave sleeping.

Certainly you have endless fuel to keep your fires burning and energy to forge your way forward but ultimately you have to apply the scales of balance to ensure you preserve equilibrium and don’t burn yourself out.

The planets don’t support instant reward for little effort, but if your cause is important then look to the long term for fruition and you wont be disappointed.

Finances and family affairs fetch most satisfaction in the month ahead.


Your birthday month always brings hope and thoughts of renewed growth and transformation and this month fetches boundless opportunities for experiencing new methods of maximising potential for realising your dreams and making them reality.

Finances need care but don’t starve yourself to feed others as that leaves you in a precarious place. Eat good fresh food, not leftovers, and always check best before dates on anything you purchase to ensure good nourishment.

Buy a few beauty aids in November to make you feel special and this will trigger the right response from that special someone who can help you feel more powerful perfect person than poisonous arachnid. Go for it.


Not long to go before ailments and woes can be put behind you…..but still a few more hurdles I need to help you jump over.

Love has been inspiring and new groups kept you convivial in ways that suit your need to reach out to the many, but that special someone still remains elusive… be patient and wait for my year ahead stars for 2018 in Mature Times Online next month…

Don’t allow others to undermine your self esteem, keep your head high even though past memories and experiences can be a drain on your energy.

Look ahead beyond the here and now for all promises to be fulfilled with resolutions to ailments and problems for these cannot last as long as you fear. Put worries and woes behind you and be assured the future is bright and the brightness will shine ever more keenly just when you thought the light had gone out…


If you haven’t planned for change and transformation then you are being silently surprised or shocked at the amount of newness being thrust upon you in spite of your efforts to make things stay the same ole way…

The way you are governed, the rules of your personal behaviour, the authorities you defer to, even the colour of your socks are all being transformed whether you want it or not.

Jut when you thought sticking to the old was the safest way of getting through the marsh and bog of life, quicksand disappears and your foot lands on terra firma on a new shore unfamiliar but more challenging.

Yes new talents are required along with better methods of working with the masses you often secretly scorn. Be bright and cheerful when having your grasp on old ways severed. Open yourself up to new ways of getting your daily bread, and for once why not drop the grumpy old grimp act and break out into a smile and ”new me” positive force for good for a change


All new November for you groupies so get ready to rock and roll.

Career and outward bound activities are on the roll so get ready to rock the boat and row into action even if your zimmer frame is in for repair.

Old rules need burning, new rules cry out to be ignored, be sparklingly individual,be prepared for a month of revolutionary action which serves your needs even if others stand back in amazement at how daring, how revolutionary you are. That is exactly what you are supposed to be.

Romance takes front seat so be on the watch for the sneaky looks and furtive glances, you are never too old or young to have a walk on the wild side and you only live once, unless you believe in reincarnation…

Recognition is around the corner and very important and well placed people are amazed at your talent for being unique and refreshingly different even if you are rocking the boat of the established routine.


Mystical, magical, moody but always amazing you manage to make the most of all November offers with renewed hope combined with good luck helping you have great faith in higher powers that guide you onto a path you always intended to take.

Love is all around you keeping you optimistic. Be confident that loved ones have your best interests at heart and can give the support you need to achieve cherished goals.

The ocean is vast and deep but even at its darkest depths there are wonders to explore and exciting adventures to meet. With many planets lining up to give you control of your destiny in the month ahead, make sure you are clear about where you want to be and be confident of getting there.