Your stars for the week 28th August – 4th September

Your stars for the week 28th August – 4th September

A change of scene brings your romantic streak into play as well as triggering self revelations that put you more in touch with your hidden talents.

Look again at new ways of exploring your skills and personal creativity. A female introduces you to stimulating new ideas and interests.

A career opportunity brings better trends for increasing your influence. Making the most of this new opportunity it could lead to a fast financial gain.

The week ahead is full of magic and mysticism to keep you curious about what the future holds. Allow your imagination to run riot and have faith in your dreams.

There’s gossip and scandal circulating but of course you already gambled on who started it and how it has got out of control. Avoid speculating in finances too.

You may need to cancel some arrangements due to health needs of someone close. Major ailments need careful attention but be aware of deeper reasons for indisposition.

You can be economical with the truth and interrupt others expertise merely to parade your own. One woman is about to challenge this modus operandi.

Make hay while the sun shines! Friends you haven’t seen for a while return to catch up with news and progress so prepare to entertain them in style.

A very sociable trend but also a time to show everyone how hospitable you can be. Helping others serves your own interests and impresses those you party with.

Take time to balance mental and physical activity. A new skill using manual dexterity helps soothe ruffled calm to keep you feeling earthed.

You are extra talkative at the moment sharing dreams and schemes that entertains others. Be clear when stating needs to avoid baffling and bewildering others.

The spotlight is on your artistic output and ability to produce headline grabbing events that leave others amazed at how many rabbits you have in your hat.