Your stars for the week 12-19th June

Your stars for the week 12-19th June

Start clarifying which goals you want to achieve and prioritise what is most important for the week ahead brings a less frustrating time to forge ahead.

Making home more comfortable and even more attractive will help you win friends and influence all those unexpected guests when they arrive without warning.

By mid week you can put all spin, deceit and treachery behind you but do make sure those who matter know the reason for past behaviour and your change of heart.

You could feel a pull towards meditation or contemplation to help you unwind and get in touch with the core of your thoughts, feelings, deeper needs and wants.

The planets line up to keep you sunny and as we move closer to the solstice you will be feeling more positive and ready to give and get the best life has to offer.

A lot of old issues begin to resolve and happily you are moving towards a clearing of old habits and situations and nearer to more rewarding times to enjoy.

Get ready for summer fun and frolics with a promise ahead of a romantic time to lift your spirits as well as some new friends and admirers to share the good times with.

You need to keep cool if you are to make the most of some major changes coming up. Be prepared to lay down the law to those who take you for granted.

Venus saunters onto the dance floor to partner Jupiter your ruler heralding an easy time when good things flow and less effort is needed to feel happy about life and love.

Let your conscience be your guide as you decide whether or not to tell all you know. Speaking your truth sweetly can put you on the right side of wrong or bring its own rewards.

Could it be you need to part with people who no longer offer support for your advance? You can be revolutionary; let your own happiness be a cause worth fighting for.

Look to the lessons of the past to find what it is that brings you greatest happiness but add a little spice and invention to the mix to make the most of a creative time for you.