Your stars for the week 19th – 26th June 2015

Your stars for the week 19th – 26th June 2015

If you are looking for a new start or different interests then this is the time to break the mould and initiate exciting enterprises that could lead to major life change.

Saturn still has much to teach on the relationship front and you could be finding youself a little isolated with friends keeping their distance. Stick to the tried and tested.

Your ambitions know no bounds and you are up for any challenge that comes your way. Avoid being argumentative to ensure others co operate with your plans.

As the solstice draws near you should be feeling a surge of vitality as well as a more positive outlook that helps you regain confidence in what life still has to offer.

All good things should be coming your way as life takes on a serene trend that could see you lying back and enjoying spoiling yourself for a change.

It’s time to put words into action and make a start on all those projects that have been on hold while you looked after everyone else. Try not to overspend.

People around you are so co operative and your learning curve is on the rise with so many clever and important individuals lending you their skills and wisdom.

Saturn is still sneakily holding you back but on inner levels the lessons it has brought have put you in touch with a more mature soul even if your body is aching a bit.

With so much dynamism operating on the friendship front now is the time to put right some wrongs and resolve to improve communication to avoid discord in future.

You are normally a sturdy reliable person and now is not the time to be impulsive, but with so many people behaving badly you could be forgiven your warrior mode.

The universe offers many chances to make new friends and try out new ways of relating to others. Extend your social life to maximise a potentially romantic trend.

A loved one may be opposing you or is there a triangular situation that is causing jealousy? Be diplomatic to divert major fall out or make a clean break.