Your stars for the week 3rd – 10th July

Your stars for the week 3rd – 10th July

Career efforts or new projects take up a lot of your time and energy with some recognition coming your way for your method of doing things.

Your private life is important now and personal life goals remain to be fulfilled. Have more faith in your hopes for Lady Luck shines down on your deepest desires.

Ruler Mercury is busy making sure you are too! Work on personal projects is challenging but your reputation needs to be blemish free for success to follow your efforts.

It is time to share a few secrets but take care what you reveal so that you’re not in the line of fire when the gossips get out of control.

The two greatest benefics shine down on you and though it may seem life is too hectic to handle there are some sublime times to enjoy with many memories for later life.

An active and enjoyable time with the sun shining down bringing barbecues to feast upon and a little frisson of romance to cheer you up.

You could be feeling stretched between what the world demands and domestic constraints which tug and pull on your energy. Don’t worry; all’s well that ends well.

Wow Scorpio! Whether you like it or not you are finding yourself much in demand as everyone crawls out of their corner to take a good look at how you look good.

Things are definitely looking serene for you and if you aren’t on holiday or planning a break then you are sure going to miss out on some romantic times to bask in.

With everything to gain and little to lose don’t worry about changes around you. They are bringing benefits you never dreamed would be possible.

Put problems on one side for they could even resolve themselves when you’re busy looking out for better things, or do you just enjoy being Mr Grumpy?

Some good things to celebrate and your creative genius makes Van Gogh, Spielberg or even Mozart jealous of how your talents are now developing.