Tag Archives: Conservatives

Struggles in the NHS still continue

Struggles in the NHS still continue

The performance statistics released by the NHS over recent months make dire reading, not just for the profession but also for those who are reliant on its services in their time of need. Quite simply ...
The race is on

The race is on

The gun has been fired, Boris has got his wish and we are heading into another General Election on the 12 December to decide who will become the next incumbent of Number 10. There is no doubt what wil ...
Boris – what older people want from you!

Boris – what older people want from you!

Apart from delivering on Brexit, which as we all know was the crux of Boris Johnson’s election pitch to Conservative members and the basis on which he was elected, older people also want urgent ...
Recess or remain?

Recess or remain?

Is there really room for a break when it comes to Brexit? It’s that time of year when MPs are off for a Parliamentary recess. This happens several times a year – think school holidays and you’ll get t ...