Tag Archives: cars

Is a 20 mph speed limit really safer?

Is a 20 mph speed limit really safer?

I feel a balanced response is needed to the article by the Campaign 20’s Plenty for Us, printed in the April edition. I live in Croydon and we are vigorously opposing this draconian measure that our c ...
A witty little ditty

A witty little ditty

Just read the article on 20mph speed limits…. I’m really must disagree with reducing speed limits to 20. Where I live it is plain, that it’s viewed with disdain. & ignored by the ...
New Technology, and a look back

New Technology, and a look back

As I’ve said before in these features, car design has changed dramatically since most Mature Times readers started their motoring. Homing in on the part that has seen the most change isn’t easy, and y ...