Tag Archives: cars

Smartphone use ‘an addiction’

Smartphone use ‘an addiction’

IAM welcomes consultation on strict penalties for mobile use at wheel The Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM) has welcomed the Department for Transport today opening up a public consultation on stri ...
Wheels in winter

Wheels in winter

This week’s tips from the IAM’s director of standards, Mark Lewis, are sharing advice with motorists about driving safely in fog. Read our latest tips to ensure your journey is as smooth as possible. ...
Make sure you can see and be seen on the road

Make sure you can see and be seen on the road

With the shorter days and the wintery weather, it is vitally important to ensure that your car lights are in full working order. Checking that your vehicle’s lights are working should form part ...
A rip-roaring weekend

A rip-roaring weekend

I’m looking at a 1950s car my father owned and glammed up in a 1950s dress complete with net underskirt and it’s making me feel part of history. For one weekend in September, the golden era of motorsp ...