Tag Archives: Brexit

A letter from M. J. Warner – Brexit

A letter from M. J. Warner – Brexit

I am writing in response to the letter you published in your May issue, from Mr Stones. Many EU nationals have registered with the Home Office to be informed of their status, as a result of the UK dec ...
A letter from W. Newham – Brexit

A letter from W. Newham – Brexit

Many views have expressed negative consequences of leaving the European Union, but few about remaining. Having the benefit of hindsight, older people remember the social chaos and poor economic condit ...
A letter from P. H. Stones – Brexit

A letter from P. H. Stones – Brexit

As you printed what I thought was a rather patronising letter from Hazel Hiam in the April edition of Mature Times, perhaps you will find space for opposing views. Hazel is clearly someone who cannot ...
A letter from Hazel Hiam – Brexit

A letter from Hazel Hiam – Brexit

I am not usually behind the times, but because of the snow and ice, I did not pick up the Feb copy until I had the March issue, so I am referring to No. 306 and the item on Brexit. Did you vote at the ...