Your stars for the year ahead

Your stars for the year ahead


The first part of the year brings invitations to celebratory events such as engagements, christenings or weddings so make sure you accept all as Venus is around trying to keep your relationships sweet and peppered with a frisson of romance.

In February hard work and effort pays off when either a new job offer or increased status or a rise in income could keep your spirits high.

By March a stroke of good luck or sheer genius helps you stay optimistic and you will be tempted to walk on the wild side of life causing a few raised eyebrows for those who thought they knew you well! Be inspired, but for goodness sake avoid too much erratic behaviour or friends may think you have finally lost the plot…

Love is good during January as mentioned earlier, with potential to meet a suitable partner for singles, or those who are looking for one, and February sees you looking your best (as well as a little wild) attracting quite a few admiring glances. June looks pretty seismic for you in affairs of the heart, so be warned and get ready for some amazing experiences this year.

Later, 2015 sees more need for extra effort on all fronts with a warning to stay positive when things get tough. The trend of continually being beset by problems to find solutions to continues, but this should become easier after all that practise of the past year or so when fate and fortune changed your direction in unforetold ways. The key change kicks in around 11th March, a few weeks before or after, so be surprised when yet again you are expected to create a different pathway to follow.

November you will begin to wonder how much to plan ahead due to many plans turning out not the way you expected, but my friend by then you will see your whole life has now become one of constantly finding new ways of being, so why stop now?

Twists and turns of fate will subside and the trend is a more peaceful time when you calibrate your beliefs and expectations to fit in with the emerging values, rules and guidelines you have learned over the past two years. Overseas trips might be necessary for you at the end of the year as well as a few hospital visits. Avoid getting involved in any legal issues as they may create problems that are not easily solved once you start pursuing them.


The New Year is a good time to take a look at all aspects of your life especially relationship areas. Are some people holding you back or having a negative impact and is it time to bring closer those who are positive and nourishing and shed those who could be draining your energy?

Certainly last year brought in a realisation that your social circle needs some fresh blood though opportunities for extending or changing it may have been hard to find. 2015 however, brings in new doors to open and fewer restrictions enabling you to find it easier to make new friends and feel less limited by people who have been holding you back.

Take a long hard look at your talents and examine more creative use of them for the year ahead. A change in work or daily routine will occur slowly but surely. Saturn moves out of your way now, leaving you older and wiser and hopefully with a healthier outlook though perhaps looking a little more mature, but he brings a need to pay attention to health insurance and other necessary pension, mortgage and annuity arrangements as you have now learned a valuable lesson in planning ahead for later life and you will become increasingly aware later in the year of the need to invest in your future.

March is the time to look your best so get a new outfit or accessories to enjoy a romantic trend. April sees you in militant mode with passions running high. After August catch up with old friends and accept invitations to meet up and enjoy a few outings.

August also brings some career changes but also heralds a comforting time spent with nourishing people who can help you recharge your batteries. It’s an excellent time to plan for a holiday. Prepare for 2015 to be the year when your chrysalis turns into a beautiful butterfly leaving you on a high flying and optimistic note by the end of the year, and ladies looking for that special romantic partner, stay alert after August.


The New year brings in lots of hope for the future and a less frantic time with increased vitality for you to enjoy more travel and adventures.

Make the most of good luck trends operating at the start of the year when risks seem to pay off and your social life seems more magical than ever.

As 2015 progresses some restrictions in partnerships may begin to make their presence felt and daily life will slowly become rather ritualized with work and duties seeming harder to complete.

Remain patient and look within for resources to meet the constraints, this is what you excel at after all. These are just growing pains so develop a sense of humour to deal with discomforting situations so they don’t zap your creative impulses.

Creative Gemini’s will burst with new insights and ideas around mid March when the challenge will be how to put dreams and wild imaginings into practical use. A nice steady flow of optimism and opportunity will aid your goals and support your impulse to be more than what you are.

May looks stressful after an April when romance lightens the load, while August brings enjoyable breaks to enjoy with good friends to share with.

October you could be travelling to catch up with old flames or acquaintances and for some this could be a date with destiny and that special someone to share your hopes and dreams with.

2015 ends with a hardworking note and you may end up more serious and cautious than usual. Domestic changes and lifestyle makeovers seem to be a constant work in progress for you.


Be especially alert to aches and pains of loved ones as you greet the year as it does look as if they are more vulnerable to downturns than usual. Weak health or indisposition can cause adverse interaction unless you are aware of the real cause. Avoid reacting adversely if your partner or a loved one doesn’t want to join in usual activities otherwise squabbling can lead to rows, even partings. For some Cancerians there could also be an encounter with the eternal triangle that disturbs the status quo.

Financial affairs are buoyant as long as you don’t get over optimistic and or tempted to overspend on credit cards. Relatives will prosper this year but might not be willing to bail you out if you are reckless.

Career wise March brings in some new outlets for your skills whilst May brings some conflicts for you to resolve before you can move on.. June to August you are prepared to battle for what you want but take care not to upset everyone as you may need their help later, and do keep a check on the blood pressure. it is an opportune time to take up a new exercise regime to make better use of your energy.

Domestic changes continue to command energy and attention and can be irritatingly frustrating when things go wrong. Such upheavals continue until November.

December brings a more relaxed time ensuring you feel ready to live and love more fully once more


Life already is full of new places to go, new people to see and exciting new and wonderful things to do, the only thing standing in the way is time to do it all. Your social circle should be improving with new if not important individuals coming your way who offer a fascinatingly diverse understanding of life. Many of them will be highly educated, perhaps prosperous, knowledgeable or specialists with views you find stimulating.

As the year grows older you will need to find ways of limiting how many invites and opportunities you take hold of if you don’t want to spread yourself too thinly. Learning new skills or taking up a new course just to expand your knowledge and self understanding will aid your growth and capacity to make the most that life has to offer and by mid year you will have made some satisfying changes and progress.

March-April is a good time to promote yourself at work but be prepared the second half of the year to take one step backwards before you can move forwards. It may be you find a hobby or new interest that demands more attention or you may be thinking of turning one of your new interests into a profitable enterprise.August begins with a trumpet blare for you where all your boats come in at once and you are assured of one of your most memorable birthday celebrations yet.

Romance is lively by the end of 2015 and there could even be a reactivation of one of your old affairs but do avoid triangular situations.


Home life may continue to take on a dreary feel for you but read on before you throw in the towel! Routine in some situations can be a good thing but if allowed to place humans on a treadmill of boredom it can be a very destructive. On a positive note the boredom of the daily grind will force you to look at more ways of improving your immediate environment and a change of home could be the solution you need for freeing yourself from restrictions, helping you move towards a more stimulating way of life. Some may need to remortgage or take out loans for refurbishment or improvements to bring properties up to date.

Career progress will initially require extra effort and you may be forgiven for feeling unappreciated as you watch others make the progress you feel you put in the hard work to get for yourself.

You will be reconsidering your job or activity base deciding what to change to eliminate drags on energy levels. A new position or promotion is likely later in the year.

The second half of the year is when things turn around and in spite of the domestic hurdles you become aware of how much in life you have to be thankful for. You can begin to optimistically take hold of the handles of new doors opening and feel the changes you worked hard at are finally bringing in a more exciting and stimulating future.. Enthusiasm will return later in the year and you will meet new inspiring people with a different approach to the world, helping you see things from a new perspective spurring you on to a better awareness of how to make the most of life on this planet.

People from foreign cultures offer a different way of living and doing things and your new found positivity makes you a more attractive individual who can expect a rise in popularity.

Those travelling abroad in August will enjoy an especially romantic time, or even a holiday romance and more romantic fulfilment follows by the start of 2016.After November this year expect the unexpected combined with or as a result of some rather spectacular life changes.


Life has been throwing very heavy weather your way recently and you are ready with winter coat, umberella, and even a sunshade to help you deal with all outcomes whatever the outcome. You have been in situations you have no control over forcing you to be prepared for all eventualities. Fate and fortune have been operative making you aware of a need to remain flexible and have respect from subtler forces that shape your life and that of others. This trend continues until the end of 2015 at which stage you will see a massive difference to who, what and where you were compared to over a year ago.

Meanwhile you will continue to benefit from new associations who know more than you. These people are well educated or experts in specialist fields who force you to realise you need to look again at taking up new ways of doing things and learn new skills if you are to expand your own knowledge base and broaden understanding.

Your confidence should grow as a result and new responsibilities come your way along with potential for developing a new enterprise, despite this being taxing of your time and energy.

August brings a culmination of hopes and dreams and if you are looking for love or romance a special magnetism around you brings potential mate who has all the qualities you are looking for, so make a list now….. Happily by the end of the year you will feel more in control of life, love and the universe and will even be planning a jaunt overseas or to a foreign land.


Happy 2015 and the good news is you can greet the New Year with much more optimism than you have felt for a while Certainly the edges and corners of your character have been battered, bruised and broken off, but you emerge from your bed of nails with bruises healing and scars fading at last. You should be more in touch with the inner you and how that impacts upon those around you for good or ill.

Financial restrictions may be an issue in the year ahead preventing you making the changes you would like to see and family may see some clouds forming in intermittent dark patches. Be assured the second half of 2015 brings better circumstances for improving income and getting the comforting and succour you feel you deserve. March gives a competitive feel where you have to beat rivals to get the job you want.

February is a passionate time when a social whirl suggests romantic times that leave your head in a whirl while October it’s time to explore solutions to ensuring income exceeds outgoings.

Autumn is good for joining new clubs, societies and networking to expand your social life and bring in new people who will offer more choice for social and career development. You might even consider becoming a leader in your own right setting up your own network or social group. December is an erratic time when secret scheming could pay dividends but the old adage applies ”be careful of what you want–you might just get it,” and for sure Saturn’s lesson recently has been about informing you never to believe only you have all the controls of the universe.


Your guardian angel has had an amazing time bringing in some amazing fortunate trends that leave you confident you are ready for anything life can now throw at you.

It isn’t that you are arrogant or naive, just that probably after life’s lessons over the past few years, you have learned a lot whilst hacking your way up the mountain and being halfway there you can afford to look at the view and know you will get to wherever you want to be, even if you need to climb back down the Eiger and climb Ben Nevis instead. Good, because Saturn is about to give you a different journey and far from being a tour of the material world and all its attractions, your tour will take you inwards into your very soul and being.

The next two and half years will bring a greater need for self assessment and evaluation. People will respond to you differently as your normally fun loving approach to life begins to be tempered by a need to pay more attention to preparing for old age. Fears and phobias could be stirred now and health issues arise ensuring you take greater care of health and the challenges of growing older with dignity …or not:-)

The middle of summer looks like a serene time with new experiences encouraging you to evaluate the rules and standards you live by, while attachment to some people may turn cold and you have to decide again where true love and faith are.

You become more focussed on personal presentation by the year end. Forget how ageing is taking its toll, look your best and make the most of your animal magnetism.

For sure your ambitions are high and you are prepared to put in the effort to get what you want but you have to balance naked ambition with respect for physical limitations by setting yourself more realistic boundaries. You also begin to be more aware that personal rights you try to exploit, demand you exercise a responsibility to the needs of others so everyone benefits from what you try to achieve if you want to bring about resounding success by the end of this journey.


2015 is a time to expect to work more behind the scenes or abroad and in any work connected to large institutions including hospitals. Work wise you may need to stand back and allow others the favoured position you have been enjoying while you drive from the back seat attending to more personal matters for yourself or those close to you. Happily finances look viable generally so shouldn’t pose a major distraction from more important aspects of personal affairs for half the year, and expenditure can easily be limited if necessary, but beware the second part of the year you will need to be extra careful with money management. There is a the possibility of benefits from insurance, gifts or unearned income such as inheritance that could swell the coffers before August.

Relationships see you start the year looking your best, ready for love, April is the one time when you can more successfully plan the candlelit dinner if you are hoping to win over the love of your life, while August will provide a challenge in affairs of the heart.

Towards autumn there is a lovely theme with you becoming more aware of how important it is to have faith in higher powers or good fortune at work rather than forever treading your way on a mill thinking this method alone is always going to get you where you want to be. If you want to make a new start or set up a new venture or enterprise support will arrive as if by magic if you are ready and willing to stay in tune with the beneficent powers of the universe.


What a popular little person you are with so many good friends to share life with and your birthday at the start of the year looks like being a memorable time when gifts galore are showered down upon you.

Your social circle should have expanded and those looking for that special someone should be stuck for choice. Most male Aquarius have a few new mates who provide that extra special VIP touch making you feel important and successful.

Make the most of your extended social circle to explore new horizons and broaden your own appeal by taking up the invites and joining in activities that these adventurous and stimulating new friends bring to your table.

The year has many benefits with more appreciation for your talents to enjoy and at last you have better places to go and people to see, keeping you alert with added value to your status and well being. Increasing your influence in new and foreign places can be expected.

Health should generally be good as a result so should family and financial affairs generally with some extra benefits coming your way such as a legacy or annuity.

Love wise, January sees you looking good and getting out to buy a few little luxuries to adorn yourself with, this could have the added value of attracting a few new admirers. Relationships are looking good in spring when romance can flourish and its the best occasion to bond better with a loved one.

August is sizzling with Cupids arrows flying all over the place make sure you are on red alert then, and have a few plasters handy in case one lands in the wrong place!

One warning for the very end of the year to make sure you take extra care with environmental issues and always look at the labels on food to ensure you don’t expose yourself to harmful chemicals or toxins.


Well life seems just a distraction from the dreams you enjoy but hopefully you exercise discernment where diet and daily routine is concerned and beware too many takeaways with artificial additives. 2015 continues the need to pay attention to health but not get bogged down with worry; consult experts rather than imagining things will disappear on their own.

Some Pisceans may have needed to consult legal experts or been involved with policing issues, either directly or indirectly, but one way or another your attention has been drawn to the law of the land. It could even be you have been out campaigning on the environment front and are having to be more aware of legal rights and responsibilities.

Romance calls in spring when you will need to be your alluring best in March when you may change your mind about what you find attractive in others, but watch out in August when a rival for your affections or those of your target could create problems in the everyday running of affairs.

August brings in improvements for you when solutions to legal or health issues can help your stress levels subside and the year generally is one of growth and more optimism than before with growth being the operative theme of life.

Working life and activity generally will involve working with new people who motivate you to be more adventurous in your hopes and expectations, but also helping you find improved ways of achieving your career goals. Watch out for new friends to be drawn into your sphere of operations enabling you to realise how much more there is to explore, learn and develop if you can only awake from the lovely dreamy state that constantly surrounds you.

Your ruler Neptune is currently near where the sun was when you were born and if you are in the media or artistic fields it does enhance your creative abilities for sure, but if you are in legal or caring industries it may be a distraction that prevents you being realistic about what you have to deliver at work. On a positive note however it can also help you deliver some unusual solutions to tricky tasks, surprising those around you who thought you were sleeping on the job–you probably were but with those results who cares, go back and dream up some more wonderful ideas.

With many new people about to enter the relationship area of your life by autumn, I expect by the end of 2015 you will be taking a new look at what constitutes a good friend or partner. You are beginning to add to your understanding of the dynamics in social personal and intimate interaction, all of which conspires to help you develop a more enduring bond of affection with those you really care about or want to bring closer to your heart.

Happy New Year Everyone!