Your stars for the week 9th – 16th January 2015

Your stars for the week 9th – 16th January 2015

Your armour may show some tarnish after 17th when you feel a need to withdraw and regroup your energy and strategies for a forward assault later.

A good time to look at what you want and how you can make better use of experience to define more realistic goals for your future.

You are on your best behaviour, oozing charm and working hard to bring about the best result possible for everyone you deal with. Good fortune is on your side.

Around 13th you look again at lifestyle, domestic commitments and what direction you should be going in for positive results during the year ahead.

Stay focussed on personal goals and prepare to use past experience and links to inform which changes are now essential for creating a better life. Love is beckoning.

Someone close to you needs specialist advice but you need to remain open to the possibility that family and personal affairs need balancing more carefully.

Major life changes occurring for you now echo John Lennon’s understanding that life is what happens to us while we are busy planning it.

Get ready for charging ahead with leisure plans and prepare to make the most of trends for developing new skills and catching up with friends and lovers.

Oh dear! It’s time to take care, be circumspect and take extra care not only of how you speak but who you share your thoughts with. Let tactfulness be your new motto.

An excellent time to assert your authority and expertise but you do need to develop assertiveness to ensure people will take you more seriously.

Sweet talking you! What an amazing planetary vibe shines down on you plans and your capacity to win friends and influence all who will listen.

Only a few months to go before you make a gigantic leap into an amazing future. Meanwhile consult a few experts about your plans before putting them into action.