An insight to your week ahead from Starsite and Tricia’s predictions! See what is in store for you and your stars …
Your ruler Mars continues to make you look carefully at redefining boundaries to make others know what works for you. Avoid arguing. Don’t get angry, get information.
Not a great time to engage in deep and meaningful exchanges as others could be a little defensive at this time. Stay home and create a domestic oasis instead.
A good week for extending talents and findings new ways of exploiting your creativity. Short journeys can provide inspiration and working from home brings benefits.
At last you have discovered how to sweet talk others and can now rely upon some co operation between relatives. Splashing out on a few luxuries keeps you upbeat.
You charm others at all times and currently have a circle of admirers who are working hard to develop your style and status. A new look and warm approach impresses all.
Health and general welfare should be improving giving a boost to confidence, making you feel more empowered.Try something new to achieve your goals.
Impulsive spending creates family concern and a party or special event could be the culprit. Income looks good but is spend to impress now, pay later, a good policy?
Your social life should be busy and enjoyable and impacts upon career trends which look smoother than usual. A holiday brings romance to brighten you up.
Certainly someone is secretly scheming and setting up deals in private that impact upon you. It may be you, but avoid drastic action if someone else treads on your toes.
Some good luck trends arrive in an unusual way so do pay attention to the best way to make good use of what initially appears to be a disadvantage.
Others are puzzled by your detached way of sharing ideas and this could be due to a natural and essential change in your social circle which clears the way for new friendships.
Relationships are developing with people from foreign shores or with unusual areas of expertise that can be entertaining, informative and very inspiring.