People will be taking more notice of how wonderful you are by the end of next week, so prepare to be appreciated at last for all your efforts.
Things could go pear shaped leaving you behaving like the proverbial bull in the china shop, but remember it’s your china so don’t let anyone else smash it all up.
You are at your creative best spicing up your life with a few choice gatherings and adding your own magical touch to the proceedings. What a flirt you are.
Life seems full of emotional drama with family disagreement forcing you to look for solutions to keep everyone happy. Involve all with your plans to keep them sweet.
Many invitations begin to come your way and for sure you can expect a few sparkling encounters that leave you feeling more romantic than usual.
You are taking care to look extra appealing as well as making your surrounds more comfortable. Special visitors could make the extra effort worthwhile.
A good time for catching up with relatives as well as acquaintance old and new. Jupiter ensures you exchange gifts and memorable celebrations.
Don’t allow subconscious memories of times past cloud preparations for the end of the year. Book a spa or chakra cleanse or take a country walk to blow the blues away.
You always seem to have a big smile and next week is even wider due to that special someone giving you a few gifts. Happy Birthday centaurs.
What a dynamo you are; let’s hope you are keeping up with physical wellbeing and not overdoing things. The 5th sees you slowing down at last.
It’s soon going to be up to you to make all the moves so get ready for a flurry of action by going to the gym and smartening up your health routine this week.
Work and leisure are so inseparable for you it is hard to see where one ends and the other begins, but Pisces at least you are surrounded by those who care.
Lunar Lore
Pliny tells us that ancient Druids believed the Moon has important power and influence and they called it ‘omnia sanantem’ the all-healing.