You seem busy with a lot of domestic DIY, and transport vehicles could need mechanical attention. Avoid getting too wound up and take problems one at a time.
You seem highly motivated and heavily engaged with a personal project. There is still time to initiate some new activities with which to showcase your talents.
Normally you enjoy working with ideas but trends show you might just be learning new skills that require manual dexterity. Curling up with a good book proves relaxing.
Hopefully your blood pressure isn’t too high and you can
balance stressful times with rest to prevent irritation boiling into anger. Things cool two weeks ahead.
Party time ahead for you so get your best outfit ready to party.You are in such good spirits you can charm everyone into doing exactly what you want.
Life has taken on a new track and you are feeling less harassed by life’s challenges. Clearing out old ready for new brings love and laughter.
Life must seem like a helter skelter ride for you at times with nothing turning out the way you would have expected. Partners are working hard to expand your social life.
Enjoy a social whirl that for once brings supportive friends and for singles can bring a wonderful phase of having a few new admirers to flirt with and more…..
Love affairs leave you wondering whether to stay or go. The choice is yours but wait a couple of weeks to see how things go rather than acting on any hasty decisions now.
People may be provocative leaving you wondering if they are trying to outsmart you or cause a fight. Stay calm and carry on undisturbed to completely disarm them.
You are enjoying a sociable trend with people around you bringing new ideas and activities you know will help you grow. Interesting new friends make life seem worthwhile.
Sharing spare time with family and old friends brings you new and exciting encounters that create good memories that you will always treasure.
From Tricia at Starsite