Your stars for the week 23rd – 30th May 2014

Your stars for the week 23rd – 30th May 2014

Nothing remains the same for long and you, more than most, know how rapidly things can change. Let go and what is truly yours will always come back to you.

Some may be surprised to learn what a shy little bull you can be, but if they imagine you are a soft touch they are in for a surprise when you charge forward.

At the moment life, love and the universe are all about you-at last:-) Put on your party pants and get ready to drink, be merry, dance and sing.

Take care to ask questions rather than reacting to what you imagine others meant. A bit of soul searching may lead to better understanding.

Leo’s love to party but do avoid overspending on lavish entertainment and can you really afford all those designers accessories just to impress everyone?

Avoid challenging family and friends for though you aim to be supportive others don’t share the same emotional approach. Are you being sympathetic or overbearing

Last week brought sudden changes in situations that have left you with major decision to make . Avoid acting impulsively or seeking revenge.

Fate and fortune leave you with one foot on the accelerator and another on the brake. Fortunately your head is in charge of changing gear to suit the path you follow.

Operating within a team or group may bring benefits but be aware that other hidden forces are creating chaos that bring a surprising turn of events.

You appear to be navigating unsettled events at home and career wise. Be assured that you will succeed with a little help from your noble friends.

You are one of the zodiac’s free thinkers but occasionally you need to spend time learning more new ideas as well as reflecting upon past experience.

You have high hopes for the future but planets bring the benefit of hindsight to ensure you don’t rush ahead and make the same old mistakes.

Lunar Lore
The New Moon on 28th is in Gemini and for some this is a time of celebration. In ancient times it was a time of feasting and ceasing work, whilst a wrong inner attitude was thought to incur the wrath of God.
