I’m probably one of those pensioners you talked about. I have frequently been pestered by charities I have subscribed to, often for additional donations or, what annoys me most, to make a regular monthly donation so that they can plan their projects on known income. One, NSPCC, accepted a monthly contribution which when multiplied by twelve, would provide a lower sum than I had been giving spasmodically over the year!
Another thing that annoys me is that each charity I donate to insists on sending newsletters accompanied by pleas for further donations. I try to unsubscribe but they ignore my pleas. I’ve stopped donating to a couple of organisations because of this – still material comes! What a waste of money.
Each year I decide how much I will set aside for charitable giving and donate accordingly making donations during the year according to available cash. I do not go in for fund raising activities – on grounds of my age (80+) and health but I still receive appeals to do so. Ugh!
Michael Dudley