Concerning water charges – my understanding is that using “Rateable Value” was supposed to be phased out by a certain date and replaced by a national “Usage” system, as per gas and electric. Does anyone know the legal date given for changeover, as i’ve a notion we have passed it, and the matter is being conveniently ignored. it’s worth pointing out that rateable value is in fact based on rentable value, hence home improvements increase the rent one could ask for, if let. This system has no logical link to council services and ought to have been replaced a lifetime ago.
The obvious method is a “Land area tax” depending on how many square yards ones property occupies. the levy would be nationally applied, not constantly altered by each council. Hardly anyone in the UK is aware that in the 1890’s there was a “Land Nationalisation Society” who proposed the above system. They reckoned the state would get sufficient funds from this method, to cover all state costs, including retirement pension for the masses – unheard of in those days. “Vested interests” prevented any such radical ideas. The poorly educated masses today would be hard-put to understand, and accept this method, let alone a century ago, nevertheless i feel this is the only efficient and fair method.
G. B. Butler, Stockton