Forced reliance on electronic payments would put everyone at the mercy of computer hackers. An IT virus could wipe out our complete savings history and cripple entire industries around the world in an instant. We’ve had several incidences recently when, because of computer problems, people could not get access to their own money.
Also, how would we pay for small items such as a newspaper, as we couldn’t expect corner shops to accept a credit card payment for such a small amount.
Charities would suffer, as people are happy to put a couple of pounds into a collecting tin as they pass by. Some elderly people don’t have a computer or a mobile phone so they would be in difficulties. Charities that help people get out of debt often advise them to pay cash instead of using credit cards, as this helps them keep control of their spending. Many of us are very concerned about the problems a cashless society will cause. Governments rarely seem to forsee a problem until after it’s happened!
Ann Wills, Ruislip