Tag Archives: Ann Wills

A letter from Ann Wills – Cashless Society

A letter from Ann Wills – Cashless Society

Forced reliance on electronic payments would put everyone at the mercy of computer hackers. An IT virus could wipe out our complete savings history and cripple entire industries around the world in an ...
A letter from Ann Wills – Loneliness

A letter from Ann Wills – Loneliness

Thank you for your front-page article “Loneliness, the blight on our nation” (January) about the loneliness of many older people. A study found that over a million older people in England are chronica ...
Music to our ears

Music to our ears

I read Colin Griffiths’ letter “Desperately seeking music” (July), in which he says he can’t find the music he likes. Most musical entertainment on TV is for youngsters, even though young people make ...