It’s always hard to know where to turn to for good advice about computers and touchscreen tablets. And with the latest version of Windows, Windows 10, coming out, there are all sorts of stories in the papers – some sounding quite intimidating… but not all getting it quite right.
And even if you’re not interested in Windows 10, it’s helpful to have a reliable source of information for tips, tricks and advice to do with computers, laptops, iPad, and other touchscreen tablets.
That’s where Tim Wakeling’s free email newsletter comes in. It comes out every Monday and gives all sorts of useful advice about things that could be worrying readers.
It also covers how to do things people want to be able to do on their computers and tablets.
It’s all written specifically for technology novices in plain simple English, with everything explained nice simply.
For example, recently covered by Tim:
- The truth about free upgrades to Windows 10 (learn what’s really happening… and what I suggest you do)
- Choosing a PC (including one way to save £100 or so if you have a desktop PC).
- The iPad: easy enough for a 3 year old? A 1 year old?
- 3 nasty scams to beware of – easy to avoid if you know about them…
- TV on your computer: watching TV online and connecting your PC to your TV.
- Essential security information and lots more – I can’t fit it all in here!
(And when you sign up, you instantly get access to all the previous issues: including the above)
Don’t miss out – the very next issue might solve the problem you’ve had… or give you the tip you need…
All you need to do is go to and pop your name and email address in.
It’s free and they’ll never pass your details on to anyone else. If you ever want to cancel you can do so with one click and that’ll be an end to it.
Why not do it now, while you think of it?