Do-it-yourself abortion for beginners

Do-it-yourself abortion for beginners

Robert Tanitch Reviews Dry Land at Jermyn Street Theatre, London SW1.

Ruby Rae Spiegel wrote Dry Land when she was 21 and an undergraduate at Yale University.  Hannah Hauer-King’s production is its UK premiere.

The setting is the girls’ locker room of a High School in Florida. A singularly unpleasant student (Milly Thomas) is pregnant and she wants to get rid of the baby. She orders a fellow student (a much nicer character played by Aisha Fabienne Ross) to punch her in the stomach.

Robert Tanitch logoSpiegel says the play (over-praised in New York) is not just about abortion but about adolescent friendship and loneliness. It’s the sort of play you might expect to find on a university campus acted by students to an audience of students. It’s not the sort of play you would expect to find in Jermyn Street.

I am trying to think who would want to see the play. The abortion takes place centre stage. A janitor takes a whole scene to clean up the mess.

To learn more about Robert Tanitch and his reviews, click here to go to his website