5 Tips For Starting A New Business In Your 50s

5 Tips For Starting A New Business In Your 50s

When you’re older, you have the experience and the freedom to try or start something new. You can do some things for the first time later in your life, like starting a business.

If you’re inching your way closer to your senior years, you still have a chance to become an entrepreneur. Following a passion is a risky move to make, especially in old age. But nearly any challenge, big or small, has risks. Starting a business has its advantages, though. And you can reap the benefits as long as you know what you’re doing.

Keep reading to learn valuable tips to make becoming an older entrepreneur worthwhile.

  1. Define your business goals

Before beginning any new adventure, you must always understand what you want to achieve. It’s as demanding as looking for pop up shops to rent in Manchester or finding a trusted supplier for your inventory. The lack of a proper and definite goal will let you make decisions that could lead to your eventual failure.

Ask yourself the reasons why you want to start a business. Is it to have a stream of income? Or is it to have something to do while in retirement? You might also have to consider how your future business could impact your family and loved ones. Once you become an entrepreneur, many changes will happen to your family’s finances and lifestyle. Ensure that you’re making realistic goals you can achieve using sensible steps.

If you want to start a business but don’t know what to do, you have several options favoured among people in their 50s and beyond. Fortunately, you now have more freedom to choose any one of them. These include:

· Tutorial service for children
· Property consultant
· Blogging or content writing
· Investment agent

You must also evaluate your skills and consider if your chosen path would do a good business. Not every hobby of yours can make much money, nor would popular trades work for you. Try observing your neighbourhood. See what people are looking for and find the solutions to their questions. You may already have the answers but don’t yet have a concrete plan to put them into motion.

  1. Start small and take baby steps

Whether starting this journey after resigning from a long career or during a lull in your retirement, you must take things slow. Making a start-up is exciting, and you may want to face everything head-on. However, doing this may result in more problems in the future and may halt your business before it even begins.

Take a moment first to understand what you’re heading into. You might have a business idea in a field you’re not familiar with. To get used to it, try getting into a low-risk part-time job or doing a task similar to what you’ll eventually do for your business. For example, a job at a small store will get you involved with sales and a bit of marketing. You could even attend training seminars for specific businesses to gain more knowledge.

Maturity and perspective also come with your older age. Hence, you should be more careful with your finances and every step you take. Being cautious is good and could lead you and your business to future success.

  1. Have your finances ready

A business requires capital and sometimes human resources. Both elements are pretty challenging to find, especially where you currently are in your life. When you get a better idea of your goal and what you want to do, it’s time to make a more concrete financial plan to get all the things you need and finance your start-up.

At your age, you have an advantage, and you likely have a clean credit record, which is vital if you want to open a new business. It’ll be much easier to find funding or make significant expenses upfront. You’ll also be able to secure better loans on investment and save money on supplies. Use this to your benefit and avoid investing your savings or pension all in one go.

  1. Put your connections to good use

You’ve probably gained more friends and acquaintances during your youth. Your connections are excellent for getting your business farther off the ground. Consultants, vendors, and potential customers are within your reach as long as you know how to communicate well. Your network could also expand since your friends could introduce you to new people who will be of use to your start-up in more ways than one.

  1. Don’t stop learning

Many people who are 50 and older think that they’ve already seen the best and worst in society. But the world constantly changes, and there’s always something new to learn, especially when it comes to business.

One thing you should become savvy with is social media. It has now become an invaluable tool for most, if not all, entrepreneurs. It’s a perfect way to advertise your business and connect with more people outside your community who might be interested in your services. If you’re not confident with using social media, it’s best to start learning as early as now.

Expect to encounter a lot of new experiences and ideas as you begin a business later in life. Learn to accept all the challenges and let these teach you how to become a better entrepreneur even when you’re much older. You’ll see that these ups and downs make a business start-up worth it.


As with any start-up, whether you start during your 20s or 50s, you shouldn’t expect overnight success. It will take a while for your business to gain traction, sometimes longer if it’s your first time being a self-made entrepreneur. But you’ll eventually reap the rewards if you take precautions and have patience.