Then Gransnet may be just the place for you…
“Gransnet does my heart good, and I join the chat most days, sometimes for debate, often for an exchange of information or tips, and every few days for the biggest laugh that makes me split my sides.”
Who are we?
We are a website for grandparents (though not exclusively so – we have many non-grandparents on the site too). Our content covers everything from travel to beauty, recipes, a thriving bookclub as well as a host of fabulous competitions.
The heart of the site though is the forums. Available day or night, our users pop on to chat to each other about anything that’s on their minds. With topics ranging from how to handle a difficult daughter in law, to where’s best to travel solo, how to transition to grey hair and support on moving on after bereavement, they are there for each other 24/7.
Gransnet users aren’t shy about voicing their views on NHS cuts, politicians and everyday ageism, but they’re also fast to support someone who is feeling down, facing an upcoming operation, or dealing with a family estrangement.
Giveaways and celebrity interviews
Aside from the forums, we have a monthly bookclub and there’s always a chance for members to lay their hands on free copies of one of the bestselling titles in our book giveaways. And that’s on top of our regular competitions giving away everything from Dysons to kitchen aids, holidays, theatre tickets and diamond rings.
Occasionally we’ll have a celebrity pop in for a webchat: Mary Berry, John Cleese, Michael Palin, even Hillary Clinton have graced our offices (Mary quite liked our lemon drizzle cake). And we’ve also had specialists in to answer users’ questions on the 5:2 diet, pension scams and sex in later life.
Feeling lonely?
“I think it is quite normal to think everybody else is enjoying a full social life with non-stop invitations and ‘very dear friends’ round every corner, when the reality is that most of us are shy, reluctant to risk rejection (hard enough when you are young, but doubly so as you get older) and mostly have been too busy with work/partners/family to look after No.1. Is this why Gransnet is such a success?”
Many of our users live alone and even if their extended families live nearby, loneliness and isolation is a very real problem. Several gransnetters have gone on to meet up with each other in real life and develop strong friendships – some have even holidayed together. Being able to log on at any time of day or night is incredibly helpful if you happen to be having trouble sleeping, or you’re up early and want to connect.
For all it’s bad reputation, the internet, if used sensibly, can be an incredibly useful place. Venting to virtual friends can sometimes be easier (and possibly less inflammatory) than voicing your concerns to those closest to you. And often an unbiased, objective opinion can help you look at a hopeless situation with new eyes. It’s up to you how much personal information you want to divulge on Gransnet.
Our role in the media
Gransnet is recognised as a champion for digital inclusion (we were shortlisted for the prestigious Tech4Good awards) and is constantly challenging the stereotypes of ‘older people’ in the media, our personal bugbear.
We like to canvas our users’ opinions so we’re representing them accurately and our surveys are often picked up by the press – most recently we’ve been in the Times and The Telegraph.
And best of all…it’s free
Completely free. With thousands of pounds worth of competitions, a wealth of information, friendship and support on tap, and plenty of lovely people online waiting to chat to you, there’s every good reason to check it out and see if it’s for you.
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