Tag Archives: reader letter

Typical media ‘gore’

Typical media ‘gore’

There can be no denying that the flight MH17 crash in the Ukraine was a horrific tragedy, and there is a need to “get to the bottom of it” to make sure that there are consequences if it wa ...
Food for thought

Food for thought

Dear Sir I have been in hospitals a few times and always had excellent food.  But that was not on my mind. I went in to be cured, not to look for complaints about the kitchen. In fact I cut down.  It& ...
Hospital food views

Hospital food views

I would take issue with you regarding the quality of hospital food. I think having had four in patient spells in the Royal United Hospital Bath since April 2014, I can pass on the reality of the situa ...
We want good hospital food

We want good hospital food

Having experienced both private hospital food and NHS hospital food l can say that the later was definitely substandard. Locally sourced food contributes to the local economy and produces happy patien ...