Tag Archives: reader letter

Peace in Europe

Peace in Europe

Mr. Oxton has swallowed a threadbare EU myth – ‘maintained the peace in Europe for almost 70 years’ (issue 267). The ‘European project’, or conspiracy, began in the 1950s ...

Miaow old?

Dear Mr Young, I always get a copy, every month, of Mature Times for my Dad – but always have a look, myself!  I was very interested in your article about Poppy the 24 year old moggy, as my dad ...
A UKIP view on the EU

A UKIP view on the EU

I read with interest, your front page article in the June issue of ‘Mature Times‘. I may be wrong, but it seemed to me that Andrew Young is a ‘pro EU’ man. Whilst he did offer ...

Is it fair?

In the past you have pointed out the problems with the Concessionary Bus Pass scheme. Many things often seem unfair. Living in a large town there are bus/tram services and I find the concession very v ...