Tag Archives: memories

On this week in History

On this week in History

Every week we go back to re-visit some of the significant happenings that took place in living memory; just about, for some of us. To remind ourselves of how life has changed and how some things stay ...
House Rules

House Rules

When I was a child because I was part of a family of six our parents very sensibly instilled in us the guidelines for peaceful co-existence and respect for others. However, this did not always work an ...
This week in History

This week in History

Every week we go back to re-visit some of the significant happenings that took place in living memory; just about, for some of us. To remind ourselves of how life has changed and how some things stay ...
The golden age of radio

The golden age of radio

During the 50s very few people had televisions and the radio was the main source of broadcast entertainment. During the early part of the decade Britain was still experiencing a wartime hangover with ...