Tag Archives: memories

On this week in History

On this week in History

Every week we go back to re-visit some of the significant happenings that took place in living memory; just about, for some of us. To remind ourselves of how life has changed and how some things stay ...
On this week in history

On this week in history

Every week we go back to re-visit some of the significant happenings that took place in living memory; just about, for some of us. To remind ourselves of how life has changed and how some things stay ...
The Power of Music

The Power of Music

It was Noel Coward who said “Strange how potent cheap music is.”  Someone else once commented that music is the soundtrack of your life. At any given moment, hearing a familiar or favourite song can t ...
The lost art of writing a letter

The lost art of writing a letter

When I was at school, many years ago, we were taught how to write a letter.  This was the main form of communication and the structure for different types of letter was considered to be extremely impo ...