Tag Archives: letters

The Infernal question

The Infernal question

Your comment on The Infernal Question by Tina Foster does seem to miss the essential point.  She is absolutely correct when she mentions all the scaremongering, and to put it bluntly the downright lie ...


I am both a certain “No” voter in the EU referendum and a firm believer in referenda on major issues. Tina Foster seems to be under the impression that MPs exercise their own judgment rath ...
EU ins and outs

EU ins and outs

Dear Editor, Congratulations on providing a helpful factual guide to the EU Referendum geared with notes for us older voters (May). A pity Deputy Editor Tina Foster didn’t study it! Saying she w ...
Importance of the vote

Importance of the vote

I am totally amazed at the comments from your Deputy Editor, Tina Foster, regarding the Referendum debate. This is the most important vote for residents in this country, since 1975. What doesn’t ...