Tag Archives: government

How do I stop automated calls?

How do I stop automated calls?

My heart sank when the telephone rang this morning at 8.35 am as I thought it was an emergency. A relative ill, had an accident, or similar tidings of bad news. But no it was yet another automated cal ...
This week in history – 6th October 2014

This week in history – 6th October 2014

Every week we go back to re-visit some of the significant happenings that took place in living memory; just about, for some of us. To remind ourselves of how life has changed and how some things stay ...
Three cheers for the United Kingdom

Three cheers for the United Kingdom

Now the dust has settled from the referendum let’s celebrate the Union and focus of the positives of being together.  While there must be some disappointment in the independence supporters camp the sl ...

The plight of Equitable Life pensioners

Many pensioners like me who invested their life savings in pensions with Equitable Life. Due to lack of control by the FSA the firm went bust and we lost most of our pensions. Before the last election ...