Tag Archives: government

On this week in History

On this week in History

Every week we go back to re-visit some of the significant happenings that took place in living memory; just about, for some of us. To remind ourselves of how life has changed and how some things stay ...
Do we still have a true democracy?

Do we still have a true democracy?

Oh dear, I hear you say, not another political rant when we are facing all those pressures we get in the run up to a general election. No, this is different if only because it has no political party i ...


Reports comparing the non participation of younger people in the democratic process with the general engagement of the older generation tend to imply that the latter are in some way to blame when in f ...
Ageist Attitudes in Health Care

Ageist Attitudes in Health Care

The Department of Health has been studying the evidence and effects of ageism and age discrimination in the National Health Service.  The studies continue to demonstrate that age discrimination both g ...