Tag Archives: EU

The race is on

The race is on

The gun has been fired, Boris has got his wish and we are heading into another General Election on the 12 December to decide who will become the next incumbent of Number 10. There is no doubt what wil ...
Brexit and medicines

Brexit and medicines

Brexit continues to dominate the news agenda and is likely to do so for some time as we head ever closer to the 31 October, the date the UK is due to leave the European Union. There has much discussio ...
A letter from Dennis Coulson – Brexit

A letter from Dennis Coulson – Brexit

The Brexit fuddle beggars belief. Remainers and leavers both highlight aspects of the full picture, each valid up to a point. Remainers argue Britain is part of Europe geographically, culturally and c ...
A letter from John Doy – Brexit

A letter from John Doy – Brexit

May I suggest that your correspondent Margaret Webster (May edition) is mistaken in that she maintains that the 1975 referendum was to confirm Britain’s membership of the EU. It was not. The wording o ...