Tag Archives: charity

Give RAF museum project its chance to shine

Give RAF museum project its chance to shine

The RAF Museum is appealing for local votes as it strives for nationwide acclaim on BBC One in this year’s National Lottery Awards for its First World War in the Air project. The project beat off stif ...
The big questions

The big questions

Are we a Christian Nation? Of course we are. How can anyone doubt it – if they have lived through the war – two in fact? But we said if Hitler – having walked through 8 countries  ...
Ken’s efforts help Pamela and family

Ken’s efforts help Pamela and family

A pensioner with a thirst for adventure recently took to the skies in support of Cavell Nurses’ Trust after it came to the aid of his late wife, who worked as a nurse for 44 years. Ken Lynch fro ...
U3A takes on extreme sports challenge

U3A takes on extreme sports challenge

What makes 40 well-balanced, intelligent third agers decide to face the challenge of abseiling down Portsmouth’s 100 metre high Spinnaker Tower as they did at 8 am on a sunny morning in mid May? The c ...