I can’t help wondering if you are looking back at what lost love stole from you leaving you feeling bewildered and bereft. Only you know if it is worth winning back.
It’s time to take a new look at how you relate to others and could it be that you need to find new people who can breathe more positivity into your life?
Use all that pent up passion on creating new pathways and working on personal projects that bring better rewards than dwelling on confusing signals from others.
Catching up with old friends and even lovers could prove difficult and nostalgic.Stay positive and use the encounters to see how far you have now travelled.
Just one more week to make the most of a trend that has brightened up your social life and polished your sex appeal. Enjoy remaining trends for romantic frolics.
You should be feeling that good fortune is singling you out for some special attention so make a ‘bucket list’ and send out your wishes to the universe to get what you want.
You don’t always need to be the one with all the answers so why not spend the next week saying you’re ”not sure” and watch the difference in rapport this creates.
You could be working too hard to impress and getting little reaction for great efforts. Look within for self approval to make sure you are comfortable in your own skin.
You excel at selling yourself but can sometimes seem to hold cavalier quick fix solutions. Get more detail from asking others for their view to avoid alienating them.
Family members seem to be more ambitious than others and could be earning praise or rewards that hep you feel special too. Changes bring new ways to fulfil yourself.
A passionate time relationship wise but as long as you beat the drum to accompany everyone else’s rhythm you’ll find dancing together is better than fighting.
Everyone seem to know better than you and expects you to bow to their wishes. Don’t worry, next week they’ll back down leaving you more in control.