Your stars for the week 16th – 23rd October

Your stars for the week 16th – 23rd October

Relationships get more challenging and if you are trying to set up a business or partnership this is the start of something big.

Romance comes to call, so plan a getaway with a partner, or a great escape to strut your stuff and collect a few new admirers if you are single and looking for love.

Conflicts with a loved one calls for greater diplomacy when disputes arise, but you need to stay cool and get a guru to give greater awareness of how to gain from mediation.

Plans you put into action will fester and cause concern to others, eventually you will see everything work out bringing happier times and fulfilment of your goals.

Actions speak louder than words so continue with personal plans regardless of others opinions and you will be paid back with a boost to your credibility rating.

Get ready for a boost to your libido for a few weeks ahead, use the positivity planets bring your way to burn bridges, build bonds and batter the opposition to love.

Take time out over the days ahead to look within, discover the authentic inner you and find the pathway to expressing it in ways that make you happy.

Next week sees you having to argue your position more forcefully when your authority is challenged by a powerful or domineering force.

Use the power of teamwork to boost your employment and social rating over the week ahead when conflict resolution ruffles rogues and boosts romantic affairs.

The week ahead brings a smoother ride along with a little guardian angel to help pave the way to better luck at work and play with a more than brief encounter with a lost love.

Changes in daily routine could cause disruption and rows. Could it be you need to learn the language of love to smooth some cracks?

The week ahead is full of further tensions but asking loved ones to help spreads the burden but do be prepared for a battle of the sexes, get armed and ready to win the war.