For many, the concept of having to move home becomes all too real when the stairs become difficult to manage or not an option at all.
Many people struggle with the stairs for long periods of time before finally admitting they need help, often confined to the ground floor, sleeping in the living room or relying on others for help on the stairs.
Moving to a bungalow or a flat with lift facilities seems like the only option. But the cost of moving is usually over and above what is feasible, not to mention inconvenient and an unwelcome change.
Adapting your home to make getting around easier may not be the first thought that comes to mind in such circumstances. But today there are many solutions available to make staying in your home a realistic option and an affordable one.
With products ranging from stairlifts to compact homelifts, Stannah provides a number of solutions to make life easier at home. Not only are the lifts practical, enabling access to all areas, they can be customised to suit you as well as your home.
With so many adaptations available, more people will have the opportunity to stay in and enjoy the home they love, changing it to suit their needs, rather than struggling with restricted access, or having the stress of moving elsewhere.
A stairlift or homelift from Stannah offers peace of mind as well as comfortable living. And with less time spent worrying about changing your living arrangements, more energy can be spent on enjoying the things that matter in life, all from the comfort of your current home.
For more information on how to take control of your life at home call Stannah today on 0800 077 8936, or visit