Modifications to a replica aim at improving the performance of the given model. Airsoft enthusiasts quite often opt for tuning and adjusting the replica to individual needs. The modifications also give the players insight into the build and operation specifics of their gear and this knowledge is vital when minor repairs are necessary and the service is not available.
Tuning of airsoft replica
Beginner players usually use factory-made replicas in their first few games, without making any modifications at the start. New models from the best manufacturers do provide great comfort of use and have very good parameters. So why would you need tuning and airsoft repair? With experience in the field, airsoft lovers begin to pay attention to the details and the possibility of adjusting the replica to their own requirements. Manufacturers are addressing this by providing many spare parts and additional elements that improve the accuracy, precision and comfort of use of a given model. Moreover, the replicas are often subjected to the harsh conditions of the game itself, hence the need for their systematic servicing and sometimes minor repairs.
Electrical replicas are most often tuned. They are very popular and it is easy to get spare parts. The very construction of these models also allows for many interesting modifications, and in airsoft replicas there are numerous parameters that can be improved, such as range, accuracy, firing speed, trigger response, etc.
Modifications not only improve the performance, but also extend the life of the replica and components that affect its operation. The MOSFET system is a good example. Its installation not only translates into quick firing, but also protects the contacts and extends the battery life. Electronic systems, on the other hand, monitor the replica, controlling its work cycle and the level of charge.
Basic modifications in airsoft replicas
Players who have already decided to improve the performance of their gear often decide to make the following modifications:
● Sealing – this is a procedure which aims to improve the air tightness of the replica. It is often a matter of perfect matching of individual components. It significantly affects range, repeatability and accuracy;
● Loading – is intended to properly position the gearbox sprockets using washers. It prolongs the life of the replica and influences its working culture;
● Spring replacement – depending on the field of play or the organiser’s rules, the replica can be adjusted in terms of power;
● Rubber replacement – a basic procedure which significantly affects the range and accuracy. The purpose of the rubber is to “curve” the balls, which allows to achieve a really long flight distance;
● Barrel replacement – it affects the accuracy and repeatability of the replica. The barrel should be as small in diameter as possible so that the balls fit perfectly;
● Installation of electronics/MOSFET – significantly improves firing speed and trigger response. Additionally, it protects and controls the components, which extends the life of the replica;
● Engine replacement – improves firing speed. In addition, the right engine guarantees correct and safe operation with strong springs.
All these modifications are basic, but there are many other elements in the replicas that can be improved. They often depend on the model. Replicas from best manufacturers are usually factory-fitted with electronic systems that are not worth replacing. The same applies to many other components, such as engines or pneumatics. It is therefore important that each modification is based on appropriate knowledge and experience. Specialist services are also a good option, especially if your repair experience is limited.