Please forgive me if I have missed an item in the local press re the above but I was surprised to pick up a consultation questionnaire in Weymouth library informing the public that Dorset council is seeking the public’s opinions on reducing the times during which some bus passes could possibly be used in the future. I saw this quite by chance and feel that such an important subject should be aired more fully, especially for those who may not visit the library. If members of the public do not express their views I fear that this suggestion may in fact become reality. It is not just for pleasure or shopping that buses are used but for vital medical appointments. It is not always possible to state the time of an appointment and some will find difficulty in attending without the use of public transport. Yes there are voluntary transport services but these have to be paid for, of course and some may not be able to do so or have to go without other necessary items.
I would urge all those who may be affected to express their opinions before the end of the consultation on January 13th or it may well be too late.
Jean Spain