Author Archives: Mark

The EU & Brexit

The EU & Brexit

Dear Letters, I read your front-page article “Brexit or Bremain?” (May.) When we voted to go into the EU in 1975 we were told we were voting for a trading partnership called “The European Economic Com ...
Re: doctors strike senior moments (May issue)

Re: doctors strike senior moments (May issue)

In Senior Moments (May), Tina Foster asks is it time for re-think about the doctors strike. It certainly is. While a 7 day NHS is a very desirable aspiration, this was clearly not the right time to in ...
Britain’s oldest bobby retires at age 66

Britain’s oldest bobby retires at age 66

Britain’s oldest bobby is finally hanging up his truncheon after still pounding the beat and catching crooks – aged 66. Cornell Barnes – who is known as Barney – has been a police constable since he j ...
Eventual control?

Eventual control?

Dear Sir When we voted in the 1975 referendum to remain in the ‘Common Market’, I forecast that the Germans would eventually control Europe. All of the European institutions are either in ...