Your stars for the week 21st – 29th November

Your stars for the week 21st – 29th November

The battle continues and you should be seeing results in return for the amazing effort you are putting into whatever campaign you lead.

People are inclined to be more considerate towards you now so be prepared to heal any rifts in relationships to make the most of planetary rays.

Love is lurking around you but full commitment may take longer to secure. Take another look at ways of balancing independence needs with demands of others.

Work or business affairs make heavy demands on relationships would now be a good time to upgrade life and people skills?

Spare time and leisure pursuits keep you buoyant and a good luck trend in affairs of the heart helps lift your spirits and gives a much needed confidence boost.

Some blocks on your efforts make you think again about an idea that will bring benefits in the long term as long as you are patient with developing it.

Your home is your castle but it may seem under assault, so call in reinforcements to help you deal with a few tricky situations.

You like to travel fast but might easily make more mistakes than you can cope with. Caution and proper planning will help you avoid blocks on your progress.

At last you can relax and be more open to spreading goodwill. Avoid sharing secrets just to impress others with how much you know.

You are a sure and steady climber but Mars conspires to push you faster than ever before. Get a health check to ensure you don’t overdo things.

Changes in career or daily routine can be unsettling but ultimately these are destined to take you where you never knew you needed to be.

Try staying positive in spite of frustrations and delays getting in the way of what you would like to achieve. Take expert advice before signing contracts.

Lunar Lore
The New Moon on 22nd November is moving into fiery Sagittarius from watery Scorpio and is therefore ‘cuspal’ and will bring in unsettled atmospherics.