5 challenging activities to do in your older days

5 challenging activities to do in your older days

As we get older we are often reminded of the things that we are no longer able to do. In many cases there are limitations but with that being said there are many activities and opportunities out there that can enrich us in our older days.

Bathing Solutions have put together a list of 5 challenging activities for you to do in your older days to get that adrenaline rushing! There are many adults aged 65 and over that spend an average of 10 hours or more each day simply sitting or lying down, which makes them the most inactive age group. It’s very important to stay active in your older days as it helps you maintain independence and keeps you fit and healthy.

Walking Football

Across the UK, new walking sports teams are appearing, with the idea of getting older and less physically able individuals together to enjoy competitive sports without the level of fast activity standard versions of the same games need. What’s even better is that men and women can play alongside each other and less abled individuals also can also participate. Steve Rich from Walking Football United says that  “The benefits of these gentle forms of sport has seen increased positive health results, weight loss, rehabilitation progress and the opening up of social networks for the participants”.


Swimming is a great activity to engage in. Not only is it a fun sport to do, it will also work out most of the muscles in your body depending on the effort you put into it. Swimming also helps you tone your muscles due to the fact that water is 12 times denser than air and so your body needs to work much harder. As well as this, if you suffer from asthma, swimming helps you work on your breathing. Moisture from the air causes you to breathe easier which is perfect for those with asthma and for those without, you develop better breathing techniques for when you are running or doing other physical activity.

Mountain walkingMountain Walking

At first it may sound like a tricky one and indeed it may be challenging for a few but the benefits are more than worth it. Climbing uses a lot of your muscles, both in the upper and lower body. As well as physical benefits, mountain walking also helps you internally on your self-esteem, metal agility and self-awareness.


We all love a little dance here and there which is why we recommend dancing! You can join in on your local Zumba class and stay fit while moving those muscles or you can find dance classes near you and get your grove on. You can always show off your new dancing skills to your grandchildren when they pass by, let them know you’ve still got the moves!

Scuba Diving

It’s time to be at one with nature with scuba diving so take the plunge and have a great time. Some benefits of scuba diving are that it improves your respiratory system, improves blood circulation, increases flexibility & strength and relieves stress. There are many more benefits to scuba diving so this is an activity not to be missed.