Tag Archives: your views

Hospital parking charges

Hospital should be free. It is unfair and unjust and is just a tax on the sick. Why is it that we in England have to pay and the rest of the UK (Scotland, Wales and Ireland) don’t? This is racia ...
Mind your language

Mind your language

I often see misplaced apostrophes in the market but I put them down to ignorance or a way of catching attention. A notice I saw last week read “tomatoes cheep”! Do they? Why and when? I bought some to ...
The joy of the letter

The joy of the letter

Your January 20th Newsletter mentions the delights of sending and receiving “real” letters, written with ink on paper and posted in an envelope and the human contact involved. It sounds lovely but… to ...
It’s hard to believe it now

It’s hard to believe it now

I am a friend of Kingsbridge Library here in Devon and will be taking my grandchildren there on Libraries Day on Saturday. They are twins, 9 years old, and just love to read. I thought you may be inte ...