Tag Archives: your views



Reports comparing the non participation of younger people in the democratic process with the general engagement of the older generation tend to imply that the latter are in some way to blame when in f ...

Response regarding Safer Street

I refer to your article in the February paper which shows that in various parts of the UK, people are having mobility issues when council officers fail to take appropriate actions to stop problems whi ...
Elderly drivers

Elderly drivers

There have recently been two distressing cases in London of elderly drivers killing other road users because they had pressed the accelerator instead of the brake. As usual, we then find that the cour ...
Moaning minnies!

Moaning minnies!

I really enjoy reading the Mature Times and I look forward to getting the newsletter on my e mail as well. I have noticed that a lot of people write in and do nothing but complain.  Just lately, mobil ...