Tag Archives: your views

A letter from Mrs C. Simmons – Millenials

A letter from Mrs C. Simmons – Millenials

I disagree that pensioners are better off than Millennials as you call them, I am a pensioner and I can tell you now I don’t get anywhere near £390 pension and I do not know anyone that does. I have n ...
A letter from Peter Danzig – TV Licences

A letter from Peter Danzig – TV Licences

I’m disgusted that I will no longer qualify for free T.V. licences, I’m 76 and have continuously paid the full fee for at least 50 years, albeit being a profoundly deaf person – having no access to th ...
A letter from Derek Croft – TV Licences

A letter from Derek Croft – TV Licences

If the BBC want to cancel the free television licence, why don’t they give you the choice of opting out. If you want to view their channels, they could provide a code with your licence, without it you ...