Tag Archives: plays

Wise words from Peter Brook

Wise words from Peter Brook

Robert Tanitch reviews Peter Brook’s latest book Tip of the Tongue: Reflections on Language and Meaning by Peter Brook (Nick Hern Books £7.99) Peter Brook, now 92-years-old and one of the great stage ...
I know what children like, said Roald Dahl.

I know what children like, said Roald Dahl.

Robert Tanitch reviews Fantastic Mr Fox at Lyric Hammersmith, London W6. Roald Dahl was an enormously successful writer of children’s books and his stories have been turned into plays, films (big scre ...
“Trippingly on the tongue…”

“Trippingly on the tongue…”

Shakespeare played a major role in the transformation of the English language. He contributed more phrases and sayings to the English language than any other individual, and most of them are still in ...