Tag Archives: opinions

The Mature Times newspaper

The Mature Times newspaper

Dear Sir. I have just read this free paper which I discovered in the Nelson Library yesterday. I have not bought a newspaper for more than 25 years as I got fed up of all the rubbish printed in most o ...

Retirement living and downsizing

Reading the recent letters on retirement living can I suggest that there is ‘retirement’ and ‘future retirement’. The first relates to leaving your job and enjoying life withou ...
Cover descent here, in this country!

Cover descent here, in this country!

I like the BBC, because of the very fact that they are not a commercial organisation, and therefore should not be influenced by those with power and money. That is why I am particularly appalled at th ...

Taking an age

We don’t get officially old until we reach 80 new research has revealed – 20 years later than previous generations believe. It is thought healthier and more active lifestyles, working later in life an ...