Tag Archives: elderly

The cost of being 70

The cost of being 70

I found your article ‘Held back by ageism’ (April 2016) an interesting and apposite article.  There are some advantages in getting older, free prescriptions, discounted theatre tickets, bus passes jus ...
Suitable properties

Suitable properties

Reading the letter from Hunter Willis about provision of suitable smaller properties for us “elderly” really stuck a cord, given that we are moving to a smaller property in readiness for o ...
Smaller living

Smaller living

Reading the letter from Hunter Willis about provision of suitable smaller properties for us “elderly” really stuck a cord, given that we are moving to a smaller property in readiness for o ...
Held back by ageism?

Held back by ageism?

An interesting and apposite article in your April issue.  There are some advantages in getting older, free prescriptions, discounted theatre tickets, bus passes just to mention a few. However the larg ...