Senior moment – Spring blossoms

Senior moment – Spring blossoms

Driving into the office I have been gladdened by the beautiful blossom that graces our countryside at the moment. From gardens resplendent with clematis and wisteria, to the fields and hedgerows frothing with hawthorn and blackthorn, this is truly a beautiful time of the year. Woodlands are shimmering with bluebells and wood anemone, campions, wood-sorrel, accompanied by the heady smell of wild garlic. Who cannot take joy from the sensual pleasures of May?

However, all this comes with a warning from conservationists that the flowering of spring is coming earlier each year. According to the Woodland Trust, the green charity which specialises in recording the signs, spring is getting earlier and earlier because of climate change.

This is also having an impact on our gardens. As the world warms and weather patterns shift, a study by the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) concludes that British gardens will need to adapt. Traditional designs with “immaculate, well-watered lawns” and “Edwardian” borders may be too hard to maintain if the weather becomes more volatile.

Have you noticed changes in the growing season in your garden?

Oh no not another one…

How many of you agree with the latest internet sensation, Brenda from Bristol, who informed BBC viewers after the announcement of the upcoming General Election.

“There’s too much politics going on at the moment” she stated, aghast at the thought of more electioneering.

Whether you are ready for more politics or not, it is going to happen, and under all the personal sniping between the parties, there are really important issues to be addressed. This is our chance to let parliament know what we feel about our country: again.

Education - Free for commercial use No attribution required - Credit PixabayGrammar Schools

One huge issue that needs addressing by the next government is that of funding for schools. We all understand that funding is tight and the demands on budgets for NHS and social care are ever increasing, but we must not forget that educating our children is also vital.

If we are going to create a country that is more self-sufficient after Brexit we must ensure that we have the people with the skills to implement this. As our education system currently stands, British schools are falling behind leading countries in terms of performance, new global rankings have revealed, prompting fresh concerns from academic leaders over “government failings” in education.

With the Conservatives promoting the idea of new grammar schools they are at least taking the matter seriously although whether this is right path to follow, I am not certain. What type of school did you go to? What do you think would improve our education systems? After all we are the product of many previous schemes, so we have the experience.

Love it or hate it

As Marmite wars continue, new evidence has come to light that the yeast extract spread is actually healthier than we thought.

Thanks to research from York University, it has been suggested that Marmite’s high B12 content could be crucial to ‘toning down’ the brain’s response to visual stimulus and stopping a certain over-reaction that leads to memory loss and dementia. Similarly, yeast extract was found to play a pivotal role in preventing dementia, seizures and epilepsy according to the study.

In another recent study, scientists at the University of Bristol found that, when eaten three times a week, Marmite can enhance heart function in healthy adults and help prevent cardiovascular disease, thanks to its high levels of the artery-sparing antioxidant benfotiamine.

That Marmite’s impressive heart and fitness benefits taste better or worse than a couple of supplements for breakfast is, of course, a matter of personal preference. But love it or hate it, it’s certainly more cost effective.

By the way: I love it.