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Gay weddings should be welcomed by Christians

Gay weddings should be welcomed by Christians

Gay weddings ought to be welcomed, for they will enable the Christian Churches to move on in their spiritual development instead of getting caught up in endless debates about sex and gender. This rele ...
Poetry – it rhymes doesn’t it?

Poetry – it rhymes doesn’t it?

My heart aches, and a drowsy numbness pains My sense, as though of hemlock I had drunk, Or emptied some dull opiate to the drains, One minute past, and lethe wards had sunk, (Keats – Ode to a Ni ...
We’ve paid our dues

We’ve paid our dues

Hi, what a great paper and how can I get it on a regular basis? The article tells it as it is. How dare this bunch of wallys dare to imply that we are receiving our own money back as a benefit and tha ...