Bathe easy. Stay safe.

Bathe easy. Stay safe.

According to the ONS (Office of National Statistics) approximately one in three people over the age of 65 experienced a fall last year necessitating some form of medical attention. And the older we become the greater the risk becomes; if you are over 75 nearly one in two people experience a fall.

You might expect that these falls would mostly occur in unfamiliar surroundings or outside during the winter months. In fact the vast majority happen at home. And were you aware that the bathroom is the most common and the most dangerous place to have a fall? This is why planning now to make your bathroom a safer place is a sensible thing to do.

Not only that, as we age we often start to lose body strength which can cause difficulties when taking a bath or shower. Getting into a bath may be easy but getting out can prove difficult and dangerous. It is also important to continue to look after your personal hygiene as this is essential to maintain your health and well-being.

So, changing your bathroom to make it a safer environment as you become older makes perfect sense. Whether you choose to shower or bathe is a matter of personal preference. The important thing is that your bathroom should be as safe as possible, and the best way to ensure this is to make your bathroom easier for you to use.

Low level access to your bath or shower, slip resistant surfaces in the shower and on the floor, correctly positioned and fitted grab rails – all of these can make a world of difference and help you to maintain your confidence when using your bathroom.

By allowing Premier Care to help you in making these changes you will have a beautiful and safe bathroom now and for many years to come.